Aviation and maritime transport – Roadmaps to accelerate e-fuels

In diesem englischsprachigen Online-Workshop am 16. November 2021 werden die vom Öko-Institut, CE Delft und DLR im Auftrag des Umweltbundesamtes entwickelten politischen Fahrpläne zur Beschleunigung der Einführung von E-Kraftstoffen im Luft- und Seeverkehr vorgestellt und diskutiert.

The climate neutrality of air and sea transport can hardly be achieved without the accelerated use of almost GHG-neutral fuels. Such fuels are generated from renewable electricity and are thus called electro fuels or (synthetic) e-fuels. To illustrate how these e-fuels can be made available and how to ensure that in both sectors finally only such fuels are used, several policy roadmaps have been sketched.

Our assessment also shows that the first regulatory steps must be taken immediately on all levels. National governments need to ensure that the policies which provide incentives and guidance to investors and operators are adopted as soon as possible and are actively supported by policy initiatives at European and international level. The years up to 2025 are decisive for achieving defossilization of aviation and maritime transport. If appropriate policies are not set in place by then, at least at national and European level, it will be difficult to achieve the goal of defossilization by 2050.

The full report will be published soon.

Participation is free of charge. Please register here. Registered participants will receive the WebEx-Link in due time prior to the event.

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