Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (KMAO-Ugra) started to play a main role in the Russian economy in the mid-1990s when key oil and gas extraction was located in this region. Hence, a migration boom started, incomes increased and the infrastructure improved, especially in the capital of KMAO-Ugra – Khanty-Mansiysk. A continuous rise in the amount of waste has been recorded in the municipality of Khanty-Mansiysk for several years. As a result, the current methods of waste disposal have reached their limits and therefore, the management of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is one of the main issues the local administration in Khanty-Mansiysk has to deal with. In addition, the landfill is used for deposition of all types of waste, including hazardous or problematic waste, such as medical waste or specific types of industrial waste. Furthermore, no recycling technologies have been implemented so far to minimise waste being landfilled. These issues result in the improper disposal of waste and may cause environmental problems and risks to human health. Therefore, a sustainable urban waste management concept needed to be developed.
Nachhaltigkeit | Strategien | Internationales
Разработка постоянно действующей Концепции Обращения с Отходами (КОО) для Ханты-Мансийска, Россия
Д.т.н. Бертрам Цвизеле (ARGUS e.V.), Д.т.н. Юлия Каацке (Берлинский технический университет), Проф., д.н., Берндт-Михаэль Вильке (Берлинский технический университет)
Weitere Dateien
Приложение 1: Доклад статус-кво (Annex I, Russian) Приложение 2: Описание технологий обращения с Отходами (Annex 2,Russian) Приложение 3: Разработка сценариев (Annex 3, Russian) Приложение 4: Практическое обоснование МБО (Annex 4, Russian) Презентация: TU Berlin, Разработка постоянно действующейКонцепции Обращения с Твердыми Бытовыми Отходами (Annex 5, Russian)
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