Disclaimer: Dieser Artikel ist ein Beitrag im Rahmen der Konferenz "Innenraumluft 2024" und spiegelt nicht die Meinung des Umweltbundesamtes wider. Für die Inhalte sind die genannten Autoren und Autorinnen verantwortlich.
Jiangyue Zhao*, Erik Uhde, Alexandra SchieweckFraunhofer WKI, Department of Material Analysis and Indoor Chemistry, Braunschweig, Germany
*Corresponding email: jiangyue [dot] zhao [at] wki [dot] fraunhofer [dot] deEmpfohlene Zitierweise: Zhao, J., Uhde, E., Schieweck, A. (2024). Impact of climate change on indoor air quality. Beitrag P09 zur Fachtagung „Innenraumluft 2024 - Messen, Bewerten und Gesundes Wohnen“, 6.-8. Mai 2024, Dessau-Roßlau. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/irl2024-p09
Impact of climate change on indoor air quality
Little attention has been paid to indoor human exposure in the context of climate change. To adapt buildings to the challenges of climate change, reliable information is required about the long-term effects of climate change on indoor air quality and climate. The simulation model developed in this UBA-funded research project, the Indoor Air Quality Climate Change (IAQCC) model, takes a holistic approach and enables an assessment of the effects of climate change on building physics, indoor emissions, chemical-physical processes, molds, and human exposure. The long-term simulations of one well-insulated test house show the expected continuous increase of all examined pollutants. However, temperature and humidity pose a greater problem. Massive structural improvements are needed, including insulation, ventilation, and direct sun protection. Otherwise, the occupants will be exposed to increasing thermal discomfort and even severe heat stress. To raise awareness of the impact of climate change on the indoor environment and to transfer knowledge to a broad public, a web information platform with free access was also created based on the IAQCC model.