Climate-ADAPT, an online knowledge platform provided by the European Environment Agency (EEA) and the European Commission since 2012, has grown into the most important place for information when it comes to adaptation to climate change in Europe. A report of the EEA informs about the experiences and effectiveness of the platform and points to ways of further improving it. read more
Climate-ADAPT first-stop-shop for adaptation knowledge in Europe
Online survey: Chemicals in consumer goods
Certain chemical substances are harmful to man and the environment. As part of the “AskREACH” EU LIFE project, staff in companies which produce or sell consumer products are able to partake in an online survey on “Substances of Very High Concern” in manufactured products until 30 September 2018. The results will be incorporated in the development of a Europe wide database and app. read more
Discussion in Brussels: materials in contact with drinking water
With Karl-Heinz Florenz (member of the European Parliament, European People's Party), Ingrid Chorus, director of the department for drinking water at the UBA, opened a breakfast session on the topic of materials in contact with drinking water. On 7 June 2018, 50 experts from EU institutions, the EU member states and associations discussed the controversy surrounding the proposal by the Commission. read more
Environmental- and health impact of 3D printing
Dental bridges, car bodies, construction components for homes: with 3D printing, it is possible to make almost anything. The technology is conquering ever more branches of industry – and even ringing in a new era of manufacturing. The efficiency of raw materials, greenhouse gases, pollutants: a study by the UBA highlights the challenges and opportunities for the environment and health. read more
New EU Innovation Fund: how can it support climate protection?
A research report commissioned by the UBA has analysed a range of options for designing the EU Innovation Fund (IF), a financing instrument created under the EU Emissions Trading System to support demonstration projects for low-carbon innovation in the power sector and industry. From 2019 onwards, this fund will use revenues from auctioning emissions trading allowances for this purpose. read more
Blue Angel: New requirements for mobile phones and textiles
The catalogues of criteria of the Blue Angel for textiles and mobile phones has been overhauled and approved by the Environmental Label Jury. Changes include details and additional requirements of the working conditions at the manufacturing site. Manufacturers may now apply for the ecolabel on their products. read more
Market shares for green products growing – yet CO2 emissions in consumer sector remain unchanged
Environmental labels can provide transparency and orientation read more
Household appliance repair costs should be made tax-deductible
Our 7-point strategy against obsolescence recommends, that Household appliance repair costs should be made tax-deductible read more