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Cover of report "Integrated Assessment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Transformation Pathways towards a Resource-Efficient and Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral Germany"
Climate | Energy, Waste | Resources, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Integrated Assessment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Transformation Pathways towards a Resource-Efficient and Greenhouse-Gas-Neutral Germany

The “SDG Pathways” research project used the iSDG model, which was adapted to German data, to develop an assessment approach for modeling the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in ambitious climate and resource scenarios up to 2050. The results show that an ambitious climate and resource policy improves the SDG targets overall. The study highlights the differences between more

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Cover of report "Information about Techniques to consider in the Determination of BAT for the Intensive Rearing of Cattles"

Information about Techniques to consider in the Determination of BAT for the Intensive Rearing of Cattles

In the project techniques have been presented that can be ‘best available techniques’ (BAT) in cattle farming according to the German Immission Control Act criteria for BAT. The techniques are suitable for reducing environmental impacts. Since the new Industrial Emissions Directive (IED, EU 2024/1785) does not include cattle in its scope, the results will currently have no direct influence on more

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Cover des Berichts "Efficiency display of space heaters"
Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption

Efficiency display of space heaters

This study develops recommendations on how efficiency indicators can be considered and designed as part of the amendment of the Ecodesign Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 on space heaters and combination heaters. Efficiency indicators should be used for the early detection of efficiency problems in heating appliances as well as efficiency-reducing defects. They are based on data that is mostly more

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Cover KRU-Papier
Waste | Resources

Indicators in the area of sustainable resource use and circular economy

Principles and requirements for the development of consistent indicator systems

Today, a large number of resource and circular economy (CE) indicators based on different conceptual and methodological approaches can be found in scientific literature, studies, and policy programs. To facilitate the selection of suitable indicators, this position paper is divided into two parts: Part I presents guidelines for indicators and indicator systems that enable the classification of more

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Cover of report "Nature-based solutions for climate and biodiversity protection in selected national climate contributions"
Climate | Energy, Soil | Land, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Nature-based solutions for climate and biodiversity protection in selected national climate contributions

This report aims to inform the implementation of the German Action Plan with experiences from other countries that have also developed NbS measures to strengthen their natural carbon sinks. Six case study countries were selected for analysis: United Kingdom (UK), United States of America (USA), Ethiopia, Indonesia, Brazil and China. These countries were chosen because their NDCs mention NbS more

Climate Change
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Cover des  Berichts "Development of the cement clinker industry under the EU ETS"
Climate | Energy

Development of the cement clinker production under the EU ETS

Overview and country level analysis from 2005 to 2017

This report summarizes the main trends and drivers of the cement sector in the time period 2005-2017 in the EU28 and provides a compilation of key figures on the cement clinker industry for selected countries. The report focuses on the developments during the third trading period of the EU ETS since 2013 and analyses the countries within the EU28 with the highest contribution to total emissions more

Climate Change
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Cover des Factsheets "Advancing regional structural policy"
Economy | Consumption, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Advancing regional structural policy

Demands and starting points for an ecologically sustainable, forward-looking and transformative structural policy

This policy paper addresses the question of why and how regional structural policy should be further developed in the face of far-reaching ecological challenges. In the focus of this policy paper are three principles: ecological sustainability, anticipation and transformation. This policy paper focusses on the German national funding system (GFS). To date, only some of the programmes in the GFS more

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