Capital investments which target the energy, transport and building sectors can help to limit the rise in Earth’s temperatures to less than 2 degrees. A new UBA study proposes the criteria by which public financial institutions like development banks should proceed and identifies which projects should no longer be funded. read more
Guidance for climate-friendly investment
WEEE: EU-wide enforcement of producer responsibility
The agencies from nearly 20 EU countries responsible for the enforcement of the European WEEE Directive have formed a network. UBA initiated the constitutional meeting on 7-8 September 2017. The representatives from all participating EU-countries agreed to cooperate more closely in the future in order to prosecute non-compliant producers who trade across borders more effectively. read more
Shipping companies must report greenhouse gas emissions
In an initial step to reduce climate-damaging greenhouse gas emissions from maritime transport, shipping companies must monitor and report their emissions starting 01.01.2018. The German Emissions Trading Authority at UBA (DEHSt) is the competent authority for emissions monitoring in Germany. read more
Chemicals in articles: EU LIFE Projekt AskREACH started
Certain substances are harmful to man and the environment. The AskREACH project will raise awareness on Substances of Very High Concern in articles among the European population, retailers and industry. Consumers can use a smartphone app to get information on such substances or send requests for information to suppliers. The European Chemicals Regulation REACH provides the legal framework. read more
Scientific Stakeholder Meeting - Nanomaterials in the Environment
On 10th and 11th of October 2017, the German Ministry for the Environment and UBA will host a Scientific Stakeholder Meeting on Nanomaterials in the Environment at the headquarters of UBA in Dessau-Roßlau, Germany. read more
Accelerating the Resource Revolution – World Resources Forum 2017
Two years after two historic global agreements – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change – the World Resources Forum Association invites leaders from government, business, research and NGOs to Geneva to talk about how to accelerate the Resource Revolution. How should we manage, coordinate, finance, track progress, and communicate about it? read more
Blue Angel ecolabel now available for toys
Toy manufacturers can now apply for the new Blue Angel ecolabel for toys to be awarded to their cuddly toys, wooden train sets, rubber balls etc. Not only must the products be exemplary in terms of pollutant content but also as concerns the social labour conditions of the extraction of raw materials and at the final assembly sites. read more
"Mobile" chemicals - when filters become useless
The German Environment Agency wants better protection of drinking water against "mobile" contaminants, chemicals which have entered the water cycle because they do not bind to solids such as sand or activated carbon. read more