
You can help save the environment by making your company and its products more eco-friendly – and at the same time score points with your customers and cut your energy and raw materials costs. And we’re the ones who can show you how to do it. For example with an environmental management system, the Blue Angel Eco Label, or the Umweltinnovationsprogramm (environmental innovation program), which offers subsidies to companies that institute environmental innovations. And if you’d like to become a UBA contractor or provider, then you should take a look at our invitations to tender.

Press release on Climate | Energy

National emissions trading: Sell-off to start in October 2021

Mann mit Tablet

The first sell-off session in the national fuel emissions trading system (German: nEHS) is expected to be on 5 October 2021, as scheduled in an agreement between the European Energy Exchange (EEX) and the German Environment Agency (UBA). The sales sessions on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) will be held twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for six hours each from 9.30 until 15.30 CET. read more

News on Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

SustainFashion - Sustainability information all about textiles

in einem Geschäft hängen viele weiße T-Shirts auf Bügeln an einer Stange

Information on sustainability in the textile and fashion industry - this is what the new online platform by HEJSupport offers, funded by the UBA as part of an Associations project. Different aspects of the sector are highlighted, such as environmental pollution or human rights, and allows people to speak who share their visions for more sustainability. read more

News on Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption and Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

The transnational impacts of global climate change


Climate change will affect the frequency, intensity and regional occurrence of extreme weather events and lead to gradual climatic changes. Although impacts appear locally at first, they spread beyond political borders due to the global physical and economic interconnectedness. A new UBA report provides an overview of the potential impact chains of global climate change on the German economy. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment