
You can help save the environment by making your company and its products more eco-friendly – and at the same time score points with your customers and cut your energy and raw materials costs. And we’re the ones who can show you how to do it. For example with an environmental management system, the Blue Angel Eco Label, or the Umweltinnovationsprogramm (environmental innovation program), which offers subsidies to companies that institute environmental innovations. And if you’d like to become a UBA contractor or provider, then you should take a look at our invitations to tender.

Events on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Workshop “Environmental protection of the High North”

UBA invites to participate in an Expert Workshop in Berlin on 24 October 2018. Presentations and discussions in Working Groups aim to explore options to support environmental protection of the High North from afar. International and national guests are invited as speakers to discuss environmental policy options to support Arctic, mainly addressed by more sustainable development. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment