Extracting more and more new raw materials is unsustainable. The future ideal is a closed-loop, circular economy which, through “urban mining”, obtains many of its raw materials from end-of-life houses, piping, cables, cars and appliances rather than from mines and quarries. An UBA study has determined the types and quantities of potential secondary raw materials available in Germany. read more
Germany’s raw material stockpile:What’s in buildings, roads, etc?
Resource-efficient land use
The aim of the research project “Resource-efficient land use – Towards a Global Sustainable Land Use Standard” was to spark a debate on the development of a standard for global sustainable land use, launch the requisite scientific process and explore and identify options for implementing a global sustainable land use. read more
Microplastics in oceans – how much? From where?
UBA: Focus more attention on large-size plastic litter read more
More legal rulings on shipments of illegal waste in 2013
Significantly more court decisions taken on exports of waste to Africa and Eastern Europe read more
Climate protection in the waste management sector
Waste management makes an important contribution to climate protection. Recycling, the energetic use of residual waste, and capturing and utilizing landfill gas contribute significantly to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In Germany, the landfill ban for untreated municipal solid waste (MSW) set an important impulse for this development. read more
Removing POP from the cycle: proposal to introduce limit values
One of the principles of environmental protection is that wastes must be recycled. However, it is counterproductive to reintroduce a recycled product which contains pollutants. An UBA study examines how this can be prevented for five persistent organic pollutants (POP). read more
Food waste causes four percent of Germany’s greenhouse gas emissions
UBA President Krautzberger: There is hardly any sector where waste avoidance is so easy. read more
Does electrical equipment have built-in breaking points?
It is quite common that electrical equipment becomes unexpectedly defective, and repair is either impossible or not worth the investment. read more