The availability of raw materials is determined by more than technical-geological, economic and political factors alone: the environmental risks of mining also has an impact. read more
Environmental availability of raw materials
WEEE: EU-wide enforcement of producer responsibility
The agencies from nearly 20 EU countries responsible for the enforcement of the European WEEE Directive have formed a network. UBA initiated the constitutional meeting on 7-8 September 2017. The representatives from all participating EU-countries agreed to cooperate more closely in the future in order to prosecute non-compliant producers who trade across borders more effectively. read more
Urban Mining
Why not tap the enormous sources of raw materials which we ourselves have created? read more
Accelerating the Resource Revolution – World Resources Forum 2017
Two years after two historic global agreements – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change – the World Resources Forum Association invites leaders from government, business, research and NGOs to Geneva to talk about how to accelerate the Resource Revolution. How should we manage, coordinate, finance, track progress, and communicate about it? read more
It is time to implement measures against obsolescence
German Environment Agency calls for improving the durability of products read more
EU Plastics Strategy needs to consider environmental issues
Plastic waste is a major threat to the marine environment. But how to tackle this problem? The EU Plastics Strategy that is being discussed in the upcoming months can help reduce the input of plastics to the environment if it follows seven recommendations of the European environment agencies. read more
Sustainable handling of sewage sludge in the Baltic Sea region
The “Recommendation on sewage sludge handling” as part of the Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area entered into force in March 2017. It defines the principles for the sustainable handling of sewage sludge in the Baltic Sea region. read more
Hendricks: "Germany must reduce its ecological footprint to a tolerable level"
International conference discusses concept of planetary boundaries read more