Benzene is an organic, chemical compound with an aromatic odour. It is carcinogenic and a content of petrol. read more
Air pollutants at a glance
The composition of the air is affected by humans. Many components of the air are, above a certain concentration, a threat to humans and animals and affect plants, water bodies, soils and even buildings and materials. read more
National Integrated Assessment Modelling (NIAM)
NIAM is a network affiliated to the UNECE Air Convention that aims at bringing together integrated assessment modellers from different countries investigating strategies to reduce air pollution and its impacts. We want to share experience on technical aspects of modelling, on the tools and data we use and exchange information about the analysis of national measures and policies. Moreover, NIAM aim... read more
Information on the NO2 exceedance table
The table shows the number of hours of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exceedance at all the measuring stations of the German States networks and UBA for the current year. read more
Information on the PM10 exceedance table
The table shows the up-to-date number of days of PM10 exceedances in the current year at the measuring stations of the German States and UBA. PM10 (PM = Particulate Matter) is the term used for matter with a maximum diameter of 10 micrometres (µm). read more
Information on the O3 exceedance table
The table shows the up-to-date number of days of ozone exceedances in the current year at the measuring stations of the German States and UBA. read more