Press release from | No. 85/08

Environmental awareness among Germans is high

The environmental awareness of Germans remains at a high level: 91 percent of the population rates environmental protection as important, according to the results of a new study on environmental awareness in Germany which was commissioned by the German Federal Environment Ministry and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). The study also points out that consciousness of the risks and consequences o... read more

Press release from | No. 84/08

EMAS environmental management at five sites

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) presented its new EMAS environmental statement on 2 December 2008 in Berlin, making a plea for environmental management at a high standard in public offices and businesses. ”The Federal Environment Agency practices what it preaches”, said Dr. Thomas Holzmann, Vice President of UBA, and pointed out that there are now five Agency sites that meet the strict requir... read more

Press release from | No. 83/2008

Giving sun this Christmas and protecting the environment

Solar power is a cost-effective and environmentally friendly source of energy. Be it watches, pocket calculators, milk frothers or lighting systems for house numbers: Products showing the German environmental label ”Blue Angel” that run without batteries or power sockets give a good example of how forward-looking solar technology can also be effectively applied in the home. Using solar energy not... read more

Press release from | No. 81/08

More safety at industrial installations

Today, 25 November 2008, marks the start of the Fifth Parties of the Conference to the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents in Geneva. At the three-day event the 37 signatory states, which include Germany, will discuss the state of development in implementation of the Convention. The Convention governs international efforts to prevent transboundary industrial accidents a... read more

Press release from | No. 82/08

Building and living still place greater strain on environment than necessary

Construction, operation and use of buildings and roads is still taking too high a toll on natural resources, and it promotes global warming. Not only is the continuing high demand for fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas for heating and warm water responsible for the poor environmental balance in the building and housing sector, the great demand for building materials such as rocks and soil, met... read more

Press release from | No. 80/08

The Blue Angel - Active in Climate Protection

The Blue Angel is going to increasingly focus on climate protection: From the beginning of next year, the world’s oldest and most well-known eco-label will also be awarded to particularly energy-efficient and climate-friendly products and services and thus provide consumers with better purchase orientation. ”Germany’s Federal Environment Ministry, the Federal Environment Agency and the Environment... read more

Press release from | No. 79/2008

Germany now involved in more than 100 international climate protection projects

Since December 2005 the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has authorised more than 100 climate protection projects in developing and emerging economies that comply with the Kyoto Protocol and are based on the so-called Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This makes CDM, along with emissions trading, one of the most important climate protection instru... read more

Press release from | No. 78/08

Wood-fired heating: Not every type of fuel may be used in fireplace or tiled stove

Heating with wood is gentle on the climate because burning wood produces only as much carbon dioxide as the trees had previously sunk during their growth. However, under less-than-optimal conditions, incomplete combustion, or use of improper fuels, wood-fired heaters can emit large volumes of hazardous air pollutants, e.g. particulate matter or polycyclic  aromatic hydrocarbons that are harmful to... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment