Press release from | No. 53/08

Saving petrol, staying mobile - despite high fuel prices

At the start of the summer fuel prices are reaching new record highs in Germany.  The frustration felt by many people is understandable. There is no easing of fuel prices in sight, given the rising demand and scarce finite reserves of oil. ”Simply complaining won’t help. Each and everyone of us can take real steps to control and reduce fuel consumption.  ”Ladylike” driving style can help: low revs... read more

Press release from | No. 52/2008

Waste incineration and waste prevention are not a contradiction in terms

Waste incineration does not oppose waste prevention, states the conclusion of a new background paper issued by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). ”The prevention principle continues to take priority over recycling and disposal of waste”, said UBA President Prof. Dr. Andreas Troge. ”Thermic valorisation of waste, however, is an unavoidable chapter in sustainable waste management. Waste incinerat... read more

Press release from | No. 50/08

Ban on DecaBDE flame retardant in electronic and electrical equipment in effect on 1 July 2008

Electronic and electrical equipment that is marketed in Europe may no longer contain the flame retardant Decabromodiphenyl ether (DecaBDE) after 1 July 2008.  This regulation applies regardless of the origin of the product and all its components. The President of the Federal Environment Agency, Prof. Dr. Andreas Troge, said, ”This finally puts an end to the presence of the highly problematic subst... read more

Press release from | No. 51/08

New Internet portal to provide public authorities guidance in purchasing computers

Public authorities and offices must adhere to complicated regulations when purchasing modern technology. European and German law prohibit identification of brand names in public tenders. This becomes especially tricky when ordering IT and communications technology since brand-name products are often desired. There is now a solution provided by a new online portal, wh... read more

Press release from | No. 48/2008

First eco-label with same award criteria for Germany and China

Cooperation between the German Blue Angel eco-label and the Chinese eco-label has borne fruit: the two institutions responsible in both countries- the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) and the RAL German Institute for Quality Assurance and Certification in Germany, and the Environmental Certification Center of the Chinese Environment Ministry- jointly determined for the first the award criteria for... read more

Press release from | No. 49/2008

More energy efficiency in city lighting

Roughly one third of the streetlights in Germany is at least 20 years old-and is often consuming more energy than necessary. The Federal Ministry for Environment (BMU), the KfW Bankengruppe and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) have therefore launched the national energy efficiency award contest for city lighting (Energieeffiziente Stadtbeleuchtung) contest today. UBA President Prof. Dr. Troge... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment