The multimedia performance KLIMA-IRRITATIONEN opens at 7.00 p.m. on 31 March 2009 in the Agency’s lobby. Short films, commercials, texts, music and paintings conspire to provoke visitors to think about the connections between our daily lives and the climate. Joachim Borner and Gregory Cohen from the Collegium for the Management and Formulation of Sustainable Development headed the conceptualisation and set-up of the performance. KLIMA-IRRITATIONEN is an event planned in co-ordination with the UN World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development to be held in Bonn, Germany, in April 2009.
At 6:00 p.m. on 7 April 2009, UBA’s Vice President Dr. Thomas Holzmann will open the KG. WINTERHART eins exhibit in the lobby of the Agency, an exhibit which represents ten viewpoints on global warming of the newly founded group by the same name that includes artists from Bavaria, North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Hesse. The exhibit takes on several artistic approaches—sculpture, installations, and painting-- to address many related ecological aspects such as the collapse of the biosphere owing to the greenhouse effect, the shortage of drinking water, pollutants, overfishing of the seas, and the rise of sea levels. Cooperation and contributions to the exhibit have come from: Christine Brand and her H20 = Lebenselexier+Konflikt, Wolfgang Brenner and DIE GEISTER DIE ICH RIEF …, Dorit Croissier and Lichtschutzfaktor, Ilse Hilpert and Meeresfrüchte, Gabriele Klimek and LISTEN, Christa Niestrath and neues wohnen, SARIDI and Wasser, Christine Steuernagel and Am Anfang war der Kohlenstoff …, Angelika Summa and Baywatch, and Gerhild Werner with hängab hangon.