Ten environment agencies released "Building an Alliance – For a Sustainable, Resilient, and Just Future in Europe," with 36 recommendations for the 2025-2030 EU policy cycle. Highlighting urgent issues like climate resilience, circular economy and biodiversity, it calls for ambitious implementation of the European Green Deal, with agencies committed to supporting a just, sustainable future. read more
News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Consequences of the Ukraine crisis on sustainability policy
The Russian attack on Ukraine represents a turning point. A working group from the German Environment Agency has analysed the consequences on sustainability policy and submitted concrete policy recommendations. read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
VACCA – Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Arctic
News on Economy | Consumption and Waste | Resources
Environmental & climate protection for crisis-proof value chains
This is the message of a virtual panel discussion hosted by OECD, UBA and UNEP in the context of current debates on the vulnerability of global value chains to crises and the legal regulation of human rights and environmental due diligence. The discussion focused on the need to better dovetail environmental protection and respect for human rights. read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KLIMZUG - Making climate change sustainable in regions
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KlimaMORO – Spatial development strategies for climate change (Phase II)
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KlimaMORO – Spatial development strategies for climate change (Phase I)
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
nordwest2050 – Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Model Region Bremen-Oldenburg in North Western Germany