Between 2019 and 2022, 52 hectares of land per day were newly dedicated to settlements and transport infrastructure.Originally, the increase was to fall to 30 hectares per day by 2020. According to the goals of the sustainability strategy, the daily increase now should be less than 30 hectares per day by 2030.The Integrated Environmental Programme of the Federal Environment Ministry specifies a re... read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
GRaBS – Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco Towns
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KLARA - Climate Change: impacts, risks, adaptation
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
KIBEX - Critical infrastructure and population/civil protection in the context of climate change related extreme events
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
Climate Change - Adaptation requirements from the point of view of civil defense
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
nordwest2050 – Prospects for Climate-Adapted Innovation Processes in the Model Region Bremen-Oldenburg in North Western Germany
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
ESPACE - European Spatial Planning: Adapting to Climate Events
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
Bad Liebenwerda – eine Stadt zum Wohlfühlen (a town to enjoy): facing climate change