GRaBS – Green and Blue Space Adaptation for Urban Areas and Eco Towns

Cities and urbanized areas are subject to permanent changes, which are controlled, among other things, by spatial planning and development. The effects of climate change are already visible and will continue to have a very strong influence on the urban environment in future. This fact must be taken into account in all planning activities.
The GRaBS project (Green and Blue Space adaptation for urban areas and Eco Towns) stands for the adaptation of the so-called "green and blue infrastructure" in metropolitan areas. Green infrastructure including gardens, parks, productive landscapes, green corridors, green roofs and walls and blue infrastructure such as water bodies, rivers, streams, floodplains and sustainable drainage systems, play a vital role in creating climate resilient development.
The project supports cities and regions in the areas of innovation, nature conservation, risk management, and knowledge economy by maintaining a database of case studies on climate change adaptation measures. In-depth analyses have been carried out for 15 case studies. Within the framework of the project, an Internet tool was developed for assessing climate change risks and vulnerabilities, such as flooding, drought or storms.
The main objective is to improve regional decisions and political processes for planning and developing new and existing urban areas in the face of climate change.
Toronto, Stuttgart, Seattle, New Orleans, Faenzer, Italien, Dorset, Augustenborg, Malmö, North West England, Basel, Chicago, London Borough of Sutton
IPCC emission scenarios A2 and B2; the regional climate model WETTREG will be used for the German case studies in Berlin and Stuttgart; the resulting climate change maps are shown in the "Adaptation Action Planning Toolkit";
for 2080
Temperatures in the cities will rise and the number of summer days, as well as the number of hot days in the summer, will grow significantly. In addition, the increased frequency of flooding incidents due to heavy precipitation also play an important role in urban areas.
A risk and vulnerability assessment tool was developed for assessing the climate change effects and hazards (e.g. flooding, drought or storms) on central infrastructures (e.g., airports), the general population and the cities. A detailed analysis of the adaptive capacity was not made. Vulnerability is accordingly addressed in terms of the susceptibility of risk elements (e.g., people, buildings, green areas) to climate hazards.
The project partners have developed an "Adaptation Action Plan" (AAP for short) for the case study areas. The task of the AAP is to safeguard a liveable and intact urban landscape in each case, which can continue to maintain its functions under changed climatic conditions.
Furthermore, a guide was developed on how to integrate the green and blue infrastructures in urban spatial planning.
European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the INTERREG IVC programme
Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), Great Britain
University of Manchester, Great Britain;
London Borough of Sutton, Great Britain;
Northwest Regional Development Agency (NWDA), Great Britain;
Southampton City Council, Great Britain;
Provincial Government of Styria, Austria;
Municipality of Kalamaria, Greece;
Klaipeda University Coastal Research and Planning Institute (CORPI), Lithuania;
The Amsterdam City District of Nieuw-West, Netherlands;
Regional Environment Centre for Eastern Europe, Slovakia;
Etnambiente SRL, Italy; University of Catania, Italy;
Province of Genoa, Italy;
City of Malmö, Sweden
Town and Country Planning Association
17 Carlton House Terrace
London SW1Y 5AS