

Indicator: Energy consumption in manufacturing

A graph shows the trend for primary energy consumption in the manufacturing industry and the proportion of gross value-added (price-adjusted) between 1995 and 2022. In 1995, energy consumption amounted to 3,744 Petajoules, and in 2022, to 3,767 Petajoules.

Energy consumption in manufacturing hardly changed at all between 1995 and 2022.In 2022, energy consumption in the industry sector amounted to 3,767 Petajoules, which was roughly the same level than in previous years. Since a peak in 2017, the values have fallen every year.Germany’s primary energy consumption should fall by 50 % by 2050. The manufacturing sector will have to contribute to it. read more

Indicator: Greenhouse gas emissions in industry

A graph shows greenhouse gas emissions and gross value-added between 1995 and 2023. Greenhouse gas emissions fell from 237 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in 1995 to 155 million tonnes in 2023. Gross value-added increased during that time.

Greenhouse gas emissions of the manufacturing industry fell by around 35 % between 1995 and 2023.Over the same period, productivity in the manufacturing industry grew by about 46 % (adjusted for price).Germany is aiming for greenhouse gas neutrality by 2045. read more

Indicator: Organic farming

A graph shows the increase of the share of organic farming areas in total utilised agricultural area based on data of the German Federal Statistical Office and the FMFA. It also shows the 30 percent target of the Federal Government.

According to the data of the German Federal Statistical Office, the share of area under organic farming of agricultural land increased from 2.9 % to 11.2 % from 1999 to 2023.The Federal Government aims to increase the proportion of organically cultivated areas in agricultural land to 30 % by 2030.At the growth rate of recent years, this aim is expected to be missed in 2030. read more

Indicator: Air quality in agglomerations

A graph for three air pollutants shows the extent to which the WHO recommendations from 2021 will be exceeded on average in urban areas between 2000 and 2023. The development of the various pollutants varies. Between 2000 and 2023, values for NO2 are between 172 and 31 percent, for ozone between 44 and 32 percent and for PM2.5 between 255 and 60 percent.

The basic pollution levels in German conurbations significantly exceed WHO recommendations from 2021 for particulate matter (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂).In the vicinity of pollutant sources, pollution levels can even be significantly higher.The situation for NO₂ and PM2.5 has improved considerably since 2000, but the WHO recommendations for 2021 are still clearly exceeded.Ozone and PM2.5 pol... read more

Indicator: River eutrophication by phosphorus

A graph shows the measuring points that do not comply with the orientation values for phosphorus for the years 1982 to 2022. These are divided into quality classes depending on the level of exceedance. The proportion without exceedances has increased. The proportion of medium and severe exceedances (QC IV) has fallen sharply.

Too high phosphorus concentrations are measured at more than half of all river measurement stations in Germany.The share has declined by around one third since the beginning of the 1980s. Extreme levels of pollution are very rare nowadays.Aim of the Sustainability Strategy is to meet the requirements for good status for phosphorous in all water bodies by 2030 at the latest.This requires a change i... read more

Indicator: Bathing water quality

A graph shows good and sufficient bathing water quality levels for coastal and inland waters (1992 to 2023). Bathing water quality increased significantly, especially in the 1990s. The target value of 100 % bathing waters with at least sufficient quality was almost reached in 2015 and has been constantly at a high level since then.

All bathing waters in the EU were supposed to be of at least sufficient quality by 2015.97.9 % of inland bathing waters had excellent water quality in 2023. With that the target has been missed only slightly.Considering only those bathing waters that were explicitly assessed, 99.7 % of the bathing waters met the requirements in 2023.About 91 % of inland waters and almost 88 % of coastal bathing wa... read more

Indicator: Employment in environmental protection

A graph shows the employment in environmental protection and their share in the overall employment for 2002 until 2021 – in two-year-steps. The share was 7.1 percent in 2021, whereas it was only 3.7 percent in 2002.

In 2021, around 3.2 million people worked in environmental protection. That was 7.1 % of all employees.Of this, over half are environment-related services.Since 2002, employment in environmental protection has risen steadily and environmental protection has established itself as an important factor for the labour market. read more

Indicator: Environmental protection goods

A graph shows the value of environmental protection goods produced between 2009 and 2021 as well as the share of these goods in the overall industrial production.

Approximately 6 % of industrial production in Germany are used to protect the environment, e.g. for noise protection or climate mitigation.In 2021, potential environmental protection goods worth nearly 90.6 billion euros were produced in Germany.At 43 billion, climate protection accounts for the largest share. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

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