

Indicator: Grasslands

A graph shows the area of permanent grassland and its share of the total agricultural area from 1991 to 2024. Both indicators have been declining until 2013 and have then increased in the years that followed. Most recently, the values have stagnated.

Between 1991 and 2024 the area of grassland in Germany decreased by around 12 %.The area of permanent grassland has almost remained at the same level in recent years.The loss of grassland was largely halted with the EU agricultural policy introduced in 2014, and the area of grassland has not fallen below the 2013 level since then. Effective steps are required to achieve this target. read more

Indicator: Environmentally friendly consumption

A graph shows the market shares of products with official eco-labelling. Between 2012 and 2022 this figure rose from 3.6 % to 12.2 %. In 2020 there was a significant increase from 7.9 % to 12.0 %. The target for 2030 is 34 % market share.

In the sector of products with official eco-labels, 12.2% of turnover was generated with particularly environmentally friendly and socially responsible products in 2022.The Federal Government has set the target of increasing the market share of these products to 34% by 2030.More efforts are needed to achieve this goal, particularly in the food, clothing and mobility sectors. read more

Indicator: Agricultural nitrogen surplus

A graph shows the agricultural nitrogen surpluses for individual years and as rolling 5-year means between 1990 and 2022. The 5-year-mean nitrogen surpluses in kilogrammes per hectare dropped from 117 to 77. The target for 2028-32 is 70 kilogrammes per hectare and year.

The five-year average of nitrogen surplus of the total balance per hectare of utilized agricultural land has decreased by 34 % since 1992.The Federal Government aims to reduce the average nitrogen surplus of the total balance of the years 2028 to 2032 to 70 kilogrammes per hectare of agricultural land.If the trend of the last 10 years continues, the target will be reached. read more

Indicator: Environmental costs of energy and road transport

A graph shows the development of environmental costs energy generation and road transport between 2017 and 2022. They were 300.3 billion euros in 2017 and 301.1 billion in 2022.

Power generation, heat generation and transport activities pollute the environment, among other things, through the emission of greenhouse gases and air pollutants.This results in high subsequent costs for society, for example through environmentally-induced diseases, damage to ecosystems or even buildings.For Germany, these environmental costs are estimated to amount to almost 301 billion euros i... read more

Indicator: Hot days

A graph shows the number of hot days in the areal mean for 1951 to 2024. Although the trend varies greatly, the increase is clearly visible. A trend line has also been plotted on the graph which shows a significant rise.

The highest number of hot days averaged across Germany were recorded in 2003, 2015, 2018 and 2022.Despite considerable fluctuations between individual years, the overall trend is rising significantly.More hot days are expected during summer months in the coming decades due to climate change. read more

Indicator: Taxes related to the environment

A graph shows the development of environmental taxes for 1995 (40.2 billion euros) to 2022 (66.5 billion euros) and their share of total tax revenues in the public budgets.

The most important environmental taxes are energy, motor vehicle and revenues from national emissions trading.In 2022, environmental taxes amounted to a total of 66.5 billion euros.The share of total taxes has been on a downward trend since 2005 and now stands at 7.4 %. read more

Indicator: Nitrogen eutrophication

A graph shows the proportion of vulnerable ecosystems in Germany where the critical loads for eutrophication were exceeded between 2000 and 2019 and the target for 2030. In 2000, the share was 84 % and in 2019, it was 69 %.

69 % of vulnerable ecosystems in Germany are threatened 2019 by excess nitrogen deposition.With the revised German Sustainable Development Strategy 2016, the Federal Government aims to reduce the proportion of these areas by 35 % until 2030. According to the current calculation basis, this results in a target value of 52 % by 2030.This target is feasible only if efforts to reduce air pollution are... read more

Indicator: Population exposure to traffic noise

A graph shows the proportion of people exposed to traffic noise above 55 decibels during the day and above 50 decibels at night, as observed in the 2022 noise mappings. It differentiates between road, aircraft and rail traffic noise.

According to the 2022 noise mapping, about 17.9 % of the total population was adversely affected by night-time noise.They further showed that 26.3 % of the population was exposed to a noise level of above 55 decibels during the day.The main source of noise is road traffic. Aircraft noise hardly plays a role in the area assessment.Noise that exceeds exposure limits can lead to health problems. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment