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Economy | Consumption

External Costs of Aviation

This report aims at quantifying, within ranges as small as possible, external costs from environmental impacts of aviation. Benefits of aviation are important too, but they are generally, in contrast to the negative impacts, well captured by the more

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Economy | Consumption

Financial Support to the Aviation Sector

While it is generally acknowledged that air transport causes environmental damages that are not included in its price - so-called external environmental costs - it is sometimes argued that air transport covers at least its infrastructure costs. This argument is important in the discussion on distortions of competition between transport modes. Besides, aviation enjoys taxation advantages  such as more

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Entwicklung eines Modellsystems für das Zusammenspiel von Messung und Rechnung für die bundeseinheitliche Umsetzung der EU-Rahmenrichtlinie Luftqualität

Part: Data assimilation for the chemical transport model REM3/CALGRID based on Kalman Filtering

This report describes the implementation and the application of Kalman Filter rountines around the model REM3/CALGRID employed at the Free University of Berlin (FUB) in the framework of the FUB-project 'Entwicklung eines Modellsystems für das Zusammenspiel von Messung und Rechnung für die bundeseinheitliche Umsetzung der EU-Rahmenrichtlinie Luftqualität'. Results are presented for a number of more

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Chemicals, Economy | Consumption, Air

Emission of Flame Retardants from Consumer Products and Building Materials

Since the interior atmosphere represents a major part of the built environment, determining emissions from those sources which influence indoor air quality is of great importance. Recently, interest has been focussed on flame retardants (FR) which have been increasingly used in consumer and building products in combination with a rapid increase in the use of plastics. The aim of the research more

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Economy | Consumption, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)and current GATS-Negotiations

(General Agreement on Trade in Services - GATS)

The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the current GATS negotiations in the World Trade Organization (WTO) require special attention from an environmental policy perspective. The GATS - which is both a trade and an investment agreement – may have potentially far reaching implications, amongst others for domestic policy choices relating to social and environmental objectives. This more

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Economy | Consumption

Best Available Techniques in Textile Industry

For preparing this report, the concerned available knowledge in Germany in this field has been collected and documented as far as possible. To this purpose, all relevant experts from textile industries, textile research institutes, suppliers of textile machinery, suppliers of dyestuffs and textile auxiliaries, suppliers of measurement and control equipment, suppliers of environmental technology, more

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Climate | Energy, Water

Investigations to avoid and reduce possible impacts of wind energy parks on the marine environment in the offshore areas of North and Baltic Sea -OffshoreWEP-

It can be expected that the benthic communities and the demersal fish fauna will be affected both in the short and medium-term by the construction of wind energy plants, particularly by the dislodging of sediment. To what extent and areal scale, the construction noise will affect the benthos and fish fauna can currently not be answered. read more

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Chemicals, Economy | Consumption

Guidance for the use of environmentally sound substances

For producers and professional users of chemical products relevant to the aquatic environment PART ONE

PART ONE Five steps for the evaluation of environmental risks

Chemical substances usually serve a specific technical purpose in a product or production process. At the same time, the technical qualities of a substance may be connected with risks to the environment and human health. A particular risk results from the release of long-lived (persistent) and harmful chemicals, which may accumulate in the long run in living organisms or water eco-systems. Such more

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