International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
Energy saving lamps, or compact fluorescent lamps as the experts call them, are good for the climate but contain small amounts of mercury. Should a lamp burst the toxic heavy metal can escape to indoor air. The first basic sampling of two lamps done by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) revealed that mercury pollution immediately after breakage can be 20 times over the guideline limit of 0.35 mi... read more
Pro-active parties who are adapting now to climate change are sought in a new contest launched by the Federal Ministry for Environment (BMU) and the Competence Center on Global Warming and Adaptation at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). Exemplary local and regional initiatives in climate change adaptation are wanted up to the 2 April 2011 deadline. There are many good beginnings in the areas o... read more
Climate change leads to extreme weather events which pose health risks. On the occasion of an international symposium in Bonn Environment State Secretary Jürgen Becker said: ”Taking precautions against climate change is our top priority. Adapting quickly to changed conditions is necessary, and it is feasible.” Dr Srdan Matic, Environment and Health Coordinator for the WHO Regional Office for Europ... read more
The Federal Environment Agency sees a necessity for clear regulation of fluorinated greenhouse gases that is binding by international law so as to prevent an increase of their emissions worldwide. Since fluorinated greenhouse gases, or F-gases, were developed primarily as a substitute for ozone-depleting fluorochlorinated hydrocarbons (CFC) the Federal Environment Agency applauds the addition to p... read more
According to the latest results of the Environmental-Economic Accounting of the Federal Statistical Office and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany is making steady progress in the area of protection of resources. The Federal government goal of doubling raw materials efficiency by 2020 over its 1994 level cannot be achieved with the measures in place up to now. Although raw materials effi... read more
The foundation of an agriculture commission at the Federal Environment Agency (KLU) is meant to promote environmental protection in and with the agricultural sector. The appointed chief of the KLU unit is Mr Lutz Ribbe, Director of the EURONATUR Foundation. “The effects of agriculture on our climate, water and soil continue to cause grave environmental problems that require urgent attention. The a... read more
The UBA Bio-global research project outlines a long-term strategy for a sustainable means of production and energetic use of biomass. "The use of bio-energy only makes sense if it produces considerably lower levels of greenhouse gases than through the use of fossil fuels, and if there is no adverse impact on the environment,” says Jochen Flasbarth, President of the Federal Environment Agency. The... read more
The Federal Environment Agency, in consultation with the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), has banned the trade and sale of the detergent Por Çöz. The product contains at least 20% nitric acid and thus poses a serious risk to health. The ban is temporary and will be in effect until a final decision is taken by the European Commission. The descaler and rust remover is available mainly in... read more