Examples to follow
Expeditions in aesthetics and sustainability
A new exhibition, Examples to Follow, will open on 23 March 2011 and run through 29 April 2011 at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau.
A new exhibition, Examples to Follow, will open on 23 March 2011 and run through 29 April 2011 at the Federal Environment Agency in Dessau.
The exhibition curated by Adrienne Goehler and now opening in Dessau is aimed at raising awareness that sustainability cannot be achieved without the arts and sciences, as they provide the impulses to think in terms of transition, states of change, models, and projects. As an example, Michael Saup’s Avatar Inkarnation cRdxXPV9GNQ installation draws attention to the CO2 emissions produced by the unbridled use of the Internet; Néle Azevedo’s melting ice figures and the Danish group Gruppe Superflex’s flooding of a McDonalds restaurant provide poignant impressions of the impact of global warming; Christoph Keller’s patented ”helioflex“ reflector system brings sunlight to dark back courtyards. Other exhibits are devoted to the re- and upcycling of products, e.g. Cars to bicycle by Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser. The space between art and science is explored by Cornelia Hesse-Honegger in her research on bugs that live near nuclear power plants. One unusual social project to be mentioned is Gudrun F.Widlok’s Adopted, where lonely Europeans with no relatives are given up for adoption in Ghana.
The exhibition will open at the Federal Environment Agency. The welcome address will be delivered by Federal Environment Agency President and exhibition patron Jochen Flasbarth, followed by an introduction presented by Curator Adrienne Goehler. A visitors reception hosted by the Bauhaus’ director in the Bauhaus building takes place around 7:30 pm. A shuttle bus has been arranged for transport. A round of drinks can be enjoyed in the Bauhaus club at the end of the evening.
Exhibition opening: Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Where: Forum Federal Environment Agency
Time: 6:00 pm
Exhibition period: 23 March - 29 April 2011
Where: Federal Environment Agency and Bauhaus