Press release from | No. 15/2012

Water body type of the year: lowland sandy-clayey river

The environmental condition of many of Germany’s lowland rivers is perilous. Rivers like the Lippe, Ems, Aller, Alster, Trave, Elde or Spree are classified as lowland sandy-clayey rivers and have been named the 2012 ‘water body type of the year’. They require extensive improvements, for a mere 2 per cent of these river courses are ranked “good“, and 22 per cent even classify as “bad“. Only very fe... read more

Press release from | No. 14/2012

Flasbarth says, “We need a green economy”

The Federal Environment Agency (UBA) sees excellent opportunities to renew the global economy in environmental protection. “Whereas it used to be seen as expensive and a damper to growth, environmental protection now has the potential to be the engine of prosperity in modern economies“, said UBA President Jochen Flasbarth upon publication of the annual Schwerpunkte 2012 report in Berlin. At unchan... read more

Press release from | No. 12/12

REACH taking a close-up look at bulk chemicals

The bulk chemical Bisphenol A with hormone-like properties is to be subjected to a new assessment, as according to the provisions in the European Chemical Agency‘s (ECHA) action plan. The fluorinated refrigerant R1234yf used in mobile air-conditioning systems in passenger cars will be re-assessed. The EU has established its use in newly registered vehicles since 2011. The rubber additive PAN is al... read more

Press release from | No. 11/12

Who’s looking through green-tinted glasses?

How can you direct people’s attention to an urgent environmental problem? Anyone with a creative answer to this can enter the Wir und die Zukunft: der grüne Blick  environmental contest. Entries can include videos, photos or even poems. The work should focus attention on one of the urgent environmental problems of our time such as global warming, plastic waste in seas and oceans, or urban road tra... read more

Press release from | No. 9/12

Emissions trading: Small installations have a choice

The EU Emissions Trading Directive allows industrial and firing installations with low greenhouse gas emission volumes to be exempted from the EU emissions trading scheme. In return, these small emitters must make compensatory payments or take measures to reduce specific emissions. The deadline for installations to file as a small emitter was 23 January 2012. The interested public may respond to t... read more

Press release from | No. 10/12

Emissions trading: UBA accepts bid on German auction platform for 2012-2013

The European Energy Exchange AG (EEX) in Leipzig has won the contract to act as auction platform for emissions trading in Germany. This temporary platform will act as forum for the auction of German emissions allowances (EUA) in the third trading period (2013-2020) through March 2013 or longer. In addition to so-called ‘early auctions’ for the third trading period, the platform will also auction a... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment