International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
The 2018 emissions of the roughly 1,870 stationary installations in Germany recorded in the European Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) amounted to around 422 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2eq). This is a 3.5-percent decrease compared to the previous year. The decline in emissions is chiefly due to lower emissions in the energy industry. read more
Whether it is the construction of plus-energy buildings, cutting the numbers in the vehicle fleet, more electric mobility, less meat served at the office canteen, or procurement of supplies that bear the Blue Angel ecolabel, UBA aims to show how public authorities can take action for the sake of the climate. read more
Population expects more environmental and climate protection from all stakeholders read more
Although housing in Germany is becoming more energy efficient, the upward trend has nearly flattened out. These are the findings of a new research project by the German Environment Agency (UBA) which evaluated data collected nationwide on energy consumption and the status of modernisation of residential buildings between 2002 and the present. read more
The FairCup start-up is the first company to be awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel for its reusable cup system. FairCup started out as a student project at a vocational training school in Göttingen. The company is now represented all over Germany. The aim of the Blue Angel for resource-saving reusable cup systems (DE-UZ 210) is to reduce the number of disposable cups that are used. read more
German consumers use 2.8 billion disposable cups per year for hot beverages, an equivalent of 34 cups per person. read more
National campaign week for the bio-bin from 18 May to 9 June 2019. read more
Three products meet the strict award criteria. read more