Air data

Several times a day measuring stations of the German Environment Agency (UBA) and the German States measure data on ambient air quality in Germany. Shortly after the measurement you can use Germany-wide maps and graphs to get informed about currently measured values and forecasts. Further you can find air quality data sorted by station of the past years.

Please note: current data represent preliminary values which are subject to change due to quality assurance. Back dated values are successively replaced by quality assured values.

Tables of exceedances in the current year 2025

The numbers of exceedances of short term limit / targets values of nitrogen dioxide, particulate matter (PM₁₀) and ozone are listed for each station. Data for past years (including other pollutants) can be found in the annual tabulation sheets.

The daily mean value of PM₁₀ must not exceed 50 μg/m³ more than 35 times in the calendar year. Ozone levels above 120 μg/m³ (highest daily 8-hour average) should occur on maximum of 25 days of the calendar year, averaged over 3 years (not included here). The nitrogen dioxide hourly mean value shall not exceed 200 μg/m³ more than 18 times a calendar year.

Unit II 4.2
Air Quality Assessment

German Environment Agency
Wörlitzer Platz 1,
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

Fon: +49 (0)340 2103-2531