AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Chemicals

The development of AEGL values started in the USA and chemicals to be considered in other countries are coordinated there as well.

For which chemicals do AEGL values exist?

Where can the values and support documents be found?

For the USA the following relevant lists are available:

  • Two lists of priority substances (updated 2002) (AEGL website US EPA)
  • Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGLs) Results according to status (updated 04/2007) (PDF file)
  • The english „Technical Support Documents“ (TSD) may be accessed on the AEGL website of the US EPA.

In Germany the derivation of AEGL began in 1998. The values and TSD are integrated in the US lists (see above). Additionally, a list of chemicals covered by Germany (updated 03/2007), linked to TSD abstracts in German and full-text English TSD, is available.

Finalised AEGL values are available for a number of substances and are published by the U.S. National Academies Press. For some of the chemicals covered by Germany the following documents are available as PDF files.

Chemicals covered by Germany


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