AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Application

Generally, the application of AEGL values is possible and intended for both authorizing procedures (safety layout of plants) and emergency response and disaster control planning.

How is the AEGL concept implemented ?

These applications, however, have not yet officially been implemented in Germany. In this context, some interesting questions arise, some of which are:

  • Which effect level (AEGL-1, AEGL-2, AEGL-3) is used in the individual areas of regulation?
  • How is the AEGL concept linked to a specified action level?
  • How is the expected immission profile in the chemical concentration optimally brought to congruence with the AEGL values for different exposure periods?
  • Is the concept of AEGL as threshold concentrations compatible with, e.g., analytical methods producing mean values of defined periods?
  • How is the concept of single substance assessment put into practice in the case of complex mixtures resulting from fire?
  • How is harmonization of the AEGL application reached in the case of transboundary emergencies ?

Integration of these aspects into the AEGL concept is currently the subject of detailed discussions in Germany. Appropriate concepts, however, cannot yet be reported.


  • weiterführende Literatur

    Hahn, A., Michalak, H., Heinemeyer, G., Gundert-Remy, U.:
    Evaluierung des AEGL-Konzeptes durch Daten aus Störfallmeldungen nach § 16e Abs. 2 ChemG. bgvv-Mitteilung, 2000

    Kaiser,W., Rogazewski,P.:
    Quantifizierung von Gefahren bei Störfällen. Technische Überwachung, Vol. 41, 2000, Nr. 10, Oktober, S.41-45

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