AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Application
Generally, the application of AEGL values is possible and intended for both authorizing procedures (safety layout of plants) and emergency response and disaster control planning.
Generally, the application of AEGL values is possible and intended for both authorizing procedures (safety layout of plants) and emergency response and disaster control planning.
These applications, however, have not yet officially been implemented in Germany. In this context, some interesting questions arise, some of which are:
Integration of these aspects into the AEGL concept is currently the subject of detailed discussions in Germany. Appropriate concepts, however, cannot yet be reported.
Hahn, A., Michalak, H., Heinemeyer, G., Gundert-Remy, U.:
Evaluierung des AEGL-Konzeptes durch Daten aus Störfallmeldungen nach § 16e Abs. 2 ChemG. bgvv-Mitteilung, 2000
Kaiser,W., Rogazewski,P.:
Quantifizierung von Gefahren bei Störfällen. Technische Überwachung, Vol. 41, 2000, Nr. 10, Oktober, S.41-45