The development of AEGL values started in the USA and chemicals to be considered in other countries are coordinated there as well. read more
Economy | Consumption
AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Application
Generally, the application of AEGL values is possible and intended for both authorizing procedures (safety layout of plants) and emergency response and disaster control planning. read more
Economy | Consumption
AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Similar Values
The diversity of national and international values similar to AEGL seems to be confusing and might be seen as competing with the AEGL values. read more
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AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Organization
The AEGL development process read more
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AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Relevance and Legislation
The legal framework read more
Economy | Consumption
AEGL - Acute Exposure Guideline Levels: Definition and Methods
AEGL values (Acute exposure guideline levels) serve as planning values for the safety layout of industrial plants for which the possibility of a hazardous incident is relevant (Hazardous Incident Ordinance (in german)). read more