The EU Commission is providing funding worth more than 74 million euros to the “European Human Biomonitoring Initiative – HBM4EU” project to harmonize and align the database on human biomonitoring in the EU Member States and to enhance our understanding of the health impact of exposure to pollution. The aim is to consolidate existing data and to implement joint research projects. read more
UBA heads the set-up of an European Human Biomonitoring system
New Urban Agenda – Toolkit for modern cities
Presenting the global roadmap for sustainable urban development over the next twenty years: the New Urban Agenda. It is the key outcome of the UN Habitat III Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development which ended on 20 October 2016 in the Ecuadorean capital Quito. read more
Anniversary celebration of the Protocol of Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty
Germany and 25 other Parties to the Antarctic Treaty signed the Protocol of Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty on 4 October 1991, thereby laying down the toughest and most comprehensive environmental protection regulations ever agreed for any region on Earth. 37 states have signed the Protocol to date. read more
Wanted: German experience with forest kindergartens
Kindergartens where children spend most of their time in nature shall soon become an officially accepted form of kindergarten in the Czech Republic. To help defining the requirements the UBA brought together German and Czech forest kindergartens and their advocates in the framework of a project of the Advisory Assistance Programme. read more
Technical guides advise on sewage sludge management
Two English-language technical guides are now available to countries where modernisation of facilities for waste water treatment and sewage sludge management is imminent, e.g. to comply with EU requirements. read more
Peatland and forest climate protection to reduce GHG emissions
In 2013 the disturbed soil of peatlands and forests caused emissions with climate impact of about 45 million tonnes CO2 in Germany alone. The drainage of peatland exposes plant material to the air which was previously preserved in airtight conditions and then releases carbon and nitrous oxide. An UBA study develops incentives how to reduce peatland emissions worldwide. read more
Applying for a permit to travel to the Antarctic
Although the Antarctic does not "belong" to anyone as such, anybody travelling to the territory covered by the Antarctic Treaty must comply with certain rules during their stay. Any German national planning an activity in the Antarctic or organising a journey which originates in Germany must be granted approval from the German Federal Environment Agency. read more
Roald Amundsen said, “We must not cease to remember with gratitude and admiration the first seafarers who navigated their ships through storms and fog to augment our knowledge of the land of ice in the south”. Since discovery of the Antarctic our knowledge of it has grown steadily, and so has our responsibility for this fragile ecosystem. read more