The study looks into the political and economic options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of peatlands and forests. It examines measures both at the international (UNFCCC) and EU level. The options discussed include the establishment of a "peat hot spot" mechanism, the improvement of reporting and crediting framework, the establishment of separate commitment targets for LULUCF, aspects of linking trading systems, strategies to include LULUCF emissions at the EU level and voluntary market systems.
The study concludes with an evaluation of the different options according to certain criteria, including environmental compatibility, costs and political feasibility and with final recommendations for the federal government and the EU. Special attention is given to the option of developing a peat-market mechanism (PMM) and, in the EU context, to the inclusion of LULUCF emissions within the Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) and the linking of transactions with the green moor investment programs under the ESD.