Legal provisions

paragraphsClick to enlarge
Statutory regulations are aimed protection of the environment.
Source: AllebaziB /

Harmful substances in products are regulated by different legislative texts. These texts address either the substances (chemicals) or the product itself. The legal provisions are therefore classified either into chemicals law or product law, or sometimes waste law when chemicals become relevant at the waste treatment stage only.

As a general rule, a product must meet all the requirements stipulated in relevant legal provisions. Thus the requirements which a product must meet are not all compiled at one superordinate place.

The regulations below are either partly or entirely in the remit of the Federal Ministry for Environment, assisted by the German Environment Agency. Other regulations for further product groups or further domains of chemical law are in the remit of the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Ministry of Labour or the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Substance law

Product law / Waste law

The surveillance of the market is a task of the federal states.

picture of a house and a television screen and a list of appicable regulations like REACH Regulation, POP Regulation, Decopaint Directive, Provisions for Builing Products and Battery Directive
Several different regulations governing harmful substances may be applicable for a given product.
Source: Microsoft Office / UBA
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 harmful substances  consumer product  products law  Chemicals Law