Decentralised is ok, autarkic is not

Source: Jose Juan Castellano /
Self-sufficient, local electricity supply systems are only an option in a few isolated cases.
Self-sufficient, local electricity supply systems are only an option in a few isolated cases.
This is the conclusion of a study by UBA on the decentralised production of electricity from renewable energy sources in autarkic structures. The study highlights the importance of transmission and distribution networks in a system of decentralised energy supply. UBA President Jochen Flasbarth remarks, “The study proves that although this form of local self-sufficiency can be achieved in some cases and under favourable circumstances, it is not a viable model for a renewables-based electricity supply for all of Germany. The integration of local production structures into a superordinate network is indispensable for achieving an efficient energy supply system in Germany which is based entirely on renewable energy.“