Renewable energies in figures

The diagram shows the development of the shares of renewable energies for electricity, heat and transport. While electricity shares grew steadily until 2020, the development of heat and transport shares stagnated for several years. The share of renewables in electricity fell significantly in 2021 (to 41.7 percent), but since then rose considerably to 54.4 percent in 2024. The share of renewables in the heat sector reaches 18.1 percent in 2024 and in the transport sector 7.2 percent.Click to enlarge
Development of renewable energy shares for electricity, heat and transport
Source: AGEE-Stat / Umweltbundesamt

Up-to-date and quality controlled data on the development of renewable energies in Germany are an important basis for the evaluation of Germany’s energy transition. The Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) provides this data for international reporting obligations as well the interested public.


The “Energiewende” – Germany’s transition towards a secure, environmentally friendly, and economically successful energy future – includes a large-scale restructuring of the energy supply system towards the use of renewable energy in all sectors. While the switch towards renewables in the electricity sector has been very successful so far, the development in other sectors has been less dynamic.

The progress of the energy transition can be seen in growing shares of renewable energies in the electricity, heat and transport sector. On this webpage the Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) provides up-to-date insights into the current developments of renewables in these sectors as well as their contribution to reduce emissions. Additionally, our “Monthly and Quarterly Reports” (in German only) provide an insight into the development of renewables in the current year.

Share of Renewables in gross final energy consumption

Renewable energies have undergone constant growth in Germany. Their share in gross final energy consumption reached 22.4 percent in 2024 (calculated in accordance with EU directive (2018/2001)). The electricity sector is the main driver behind this development with renewables already providing 54.4 percent of electricity consumption in the year 2024.

Electricity generation from renewable energy sources

While in the year 2000 renewables accounted for 6.3 percent of electricity demand only, its share has been growing significantly over the past years, exceeding 10 per cent in the year 2005 and 25 per cent in the year 2013. In 2024 renewable energy sources provided 284 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity and accounted for 54.4 percent of German electricity demand. With wind power being by far the most important energy source in the German electricity mix.

Heating and cooling

Renewables’ share for heating and cooling purposes has risen from 4.4 percent in 2000 to 18.1 percent in 2024. Main energy source in this sector remains biomass (solid, liquid and gaseous), still providing 74 percent of all renewable heat in 2024. Since the early 2000s, heat generated by solar thermal plants and heat pumps has been growing with increasing speed, now providing about 19 percent of renewable heat. The remaining share of approximately 7 percent comes from the renewable fraction of waste.

Renewables in transport

The transport sector holds the lowest share of renewable energy sources. In 2000 less than one percent of final energy consumption for transport purposes was derived from renewable energy sources. This share grew to 7.2 percent in 2024. Main renewable sources being biodiesel, bioethanol and a growing share of renewable electricity.

Emissions avoided through the use of renewables

The use of renewables has expanded significantly in Germany in recent decades. The German Environmental Agency calculates that in 2024 around 256 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents were avoided through the use of renewables. These emissions would otherwise have been generated through fossil fuels in the electricity, heating and transport sectors.