Syke - Responsible action on climate change
The town of Syke has around 24.500 inhabitants and is situated about 20 km south of Bremen in the North West German Lowland region, characterised by alternating coastal moorland, lowlands and the valley floodplain of the River Hache. With an area of 128 km², Syke is dominated by agriculture and forestry.
After performing an initial susceptibility analysis, extreme events that are likely to occur more frequently in the future, such as heat waves and drought periods, heavy rain and storms, and also flooding around the Hache were rated as being particularly problematic. However, on the other hand opportunities resulting from climate change were identified in tourism and, in some areas, in agriculture. This is due to an extended summer season and more stable weather on the one hand, and an extension of growing periods and an increased CO2 fertilising effect on the other.
The Syke adaptation strategy has concentrated on those fields of action that were relevant in the initial susceptibility analysis for the town of Syke and its region: water resources, agriculture and forestry, green and open space planning, tourism/local recreation. These were supplemented by two more general fields of action, namely "Marketing and Communication", which included the area of education and knowledge transfer, and "Regional Cooperation and Integration".
The town of Syke viewed participation in the ExWoSt research programme as an opportunity and a challenge, to put in place a new, innovative and integrative framework for its local climate policy in the coming years. The overall concepts of future capability and competitiveness with a socio-economic focus were linked to the specific local vulnerabilities and the general concepts for improving the adaptive capacity of local and regional resistance and sustainability.
The German Meteorological Office (DWD, Senior federal authority in the BMVBS) is providing the required climate data for all Urban Climate projects as a basis for climate effect estimates. The DWD determined historic data for the climate desks and calculated two climate scenarios for Syke (REMO, WETTREG and STAR regional climate models). In addition, historic data from the Bremen weather centre, the Bassum climate station and the Weyhe/Melchiorshausen rainfall station was evaluated in respect of existing climate changes.
hot and frosty days, winter and summer precipitation, wind
The effects of extreme events such as heat waves and drought periods, heavy rain and storms and flooding were studied.
A broadly agreed integrated adaptation strategy was drawn up and an adaptation action plan was created. The objectives are:
The core of the project was to hold a series of events (known as "Syke climate desks") in the selected fields of action. For each field of action, susceptibility to climate change, possible climate effects and adaptation options and measures were drawn up and discussed as part of a broad participation process. The results were collated in a local adaptation strategy and an integrated action plan.
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Urban Development (BMVBS) and Federal Institute of Construction, Urban and Spatial Research (BBSR): KlimaExWoSt: StadtKlima
Research assistance: Institute for Work and Economy (IAW), University of Bremen;
ecolo - Agency for Environmental Communication
Lower Saxony State Forest (Forest Service Alhorn), Water supply Syker Vorgeest, Harzwasserwerke GmbH, Mittelweser Association (Hache-Hombach Association), Local Agenda 21 Syke, Citizens Energy Syke e.g., NABU Syke and surrounding e.V. and the Lower Saxon peasantry, Kreisverband Mittelweser
Stadt Syke
Hinrich-Hanno-Platz 1
D-28857 Syke