EuroHEAT - Improving public health responses to weather extremes, in particular to heat-waves

The background to the project are European and international decisions that call for a reduction in weather and climate related health burdens. In addition, the aim is to achieve greater coordination and cooperation between players in public healthcare, national and international meteorological offices and agencies, emergency services and civil society. This can be achieved by developing local, regional, national and European measures to speed up sharing of relevant information, data and findings, and allow early warning systems to be developed.
The objectives are:
Based on climate projections from the 3rd IPCC situation report (2001). In particular, the changed probabilities of heat waves are analysed.
Increasing weather and climate variability, alongside changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperatures
The focus is on analysis of the climate effects of heat waves on human health and the healthcare system.
On the one hand, particularly vulnerable population groups are analysed and on the other hand the adaptation and response capacity of the healthcare system. Vulnerability is defined in an IPCC sense, determined by the factors exposure, sensitivity and adaptation capacity.
Response plans for heat waves defining the spans and procedures for how those responsible in healthcare can response to extremely hot days. In the project, selected examples of these response plans are complied:
The objective is to set up and establish warning systems for periods of extreme heat to protect the population. To achieve this, a map of heat wave probabilities is produced for European countries. This shows the probabilities of heat waves, allowing an estimate to be made as to whether a heat event is imminent. The probabilities of heat waves shown on the map are average probabilities for a region, and there may be significant local differences due to significant differences in altitude within a region or on the coast. This heat information is not intended to replace national heat warning systems, but to supplement it with regional heat forecasts.
European Commission
World Health Organization, Regional Office for Europe, Global change and health programme
Partnerinstitution in Germany: German Meteorological Service (DWD)
WHO - World Health Organization
European Centre for Environment and Health,
Rome Division
Via Francesco Crispi 10
I-00187 Rom