ENCORA - European Network on Coastal Research

ENCORA is a European network structure with new mechanisms that are intended to help address the three major causes for stagnation in the implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe:
In addition to national networks, the following thematic networks have been created:
Topic 1: Multifunctionality and valuation;
Topic 2: ICZM participation and implementation;
Topic 3: Marine and coastal spatial planning;
Topic 4: Pollution, prevention, detection and mitigation;
Topic 5: Long term coastal geo-morphological change;
Topic 6: Effect of development and use on eco-morphology and coastal habitat;
Topic 7: Restoration and preservation of coastal biodiversity: ecological valuation;
Topic 8: Sustainable coastal engineering techniques;
Topic 9. Assessment of field observation techniques;
Topic 10. Capacity building, training and education in ICZM;
Objectives: The ENCORA project has been initiated to improve the sharing of knowledge and experience within Europe, in two respects:
1. Overcome existing fragmentation of coastal expertise. In all European coastal states many institutions are engaged in coastal and marine studies related to science, practice or policy. Together these institutions constitute a huge resource of knowledge and experience. However, as long as the work and insights are not shared, this resource cannot be fully exploited.
2. Better exploit scientific knowledge in practice. Scientific knowledge is communicated mainly among fellow experts; scientific publications focus on specific disciplinary aspects and are almost inaccessible to "non-experts". Existing publication practices are not appropriate for putting new insights into practice.
This is why ENCORA organised a number of services enabling marine and coastal professionals to take better advantage of existing knowledge resources in Europe, for tackling the challenges posed by the future of our coasts. These services are run by Coordination Offices, which have been established in 18 European countries and rely on National Networks, Thematic Networks and Affiliated Networks.
North afrika
no climate scenario considered
ENCORA helped initiate the European Action Plan, which provides a reference base for future coastal and marine research investments in Europe and contributes to focusing these research efforts. In addition, ENCORA provides several services to the European Coastal Community through an Internet portal:
European Union
Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ: Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee)
- RIKZ: Rijksinstituut voor Kust en Zee
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven; Departement Burgerlijke Bouwkunde; Laboratorium voor Hydraulica
- DHI: DHI Water × Environment × Health
- CETMEF: Centre d'Etudes Techniques Maritimes et Fluviales
- Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Centre for Materials and Coastal Research; Institute for Coastal Research
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; Laboratory of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Works
- HMRC: University College Cork; Hydraulics & Maritime Research Centre
- DICAM: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
- WL | Delft Hydraulics - EUCC: The Coastal Union - IBW PAN: Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Hydroengineering
- IHRH: University of Porto; Faculty of Engineering; Hydraulics and Water Resources Institute
- GIOC: University of Cantabria; Ocean and Coastal Engineering Research Group
- Lund University; Deptartment of Water Resources Engineering
- University of Plymouth; School of Marine Science and Engineering
- TUDelft: Delft University of Technology
- MARBIOL: Universiteit Gent; Afdeling Mariene Biologie
- CoastNET
- University of Thessaly; Laboratory of Environment and Spatial Planning
- DICAM: University of Bologna; Department of Civil, Environmental and Materials Engineering
- CORILA: Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia;
Consortium for Coordination of Research Activities concerning the Venice Lagoon System
- INRH: National Institute for Fisheries Research
- CRTS: Royal Centre for Remote Sensing
- Université Mohammed V Agdal
- Hassan II University – Casablanca
- University of Oran Es-Senia
- Université de Tunis
- APAL: Agence de Protection et d'Aménagement du Littoral
Flanders Marine Institute
Wandelaarkaai 7