
Source: UBA/ FG IV 2.5
Project Partner of EU AQUACOSM-plus Project (Network of mesocosm facilities,, 2020-2023
Contardo-Jarra, V., Meinecke, S., Feibicke, M., Berghahn, R., Schmidt, R, Mohr, S.: Fate, bioaccumulation and toxic effects of triclosan on a freshwater community – A mesocosm study. Environmental Advance 5 (2021), 100100,
Becker, B., Kochleus, C., Spira, D., Möhlenkamp, C. , Bachtin, J. , Meinecke, S. , Vermeirssen, E. Passive sampler phases for pesticides: evaluation of AttractSPE™ SDB-RPS and HLB versus Empore™ SDB-RPS. In: Environ Sci Pollut Res (2021).
Périllon, C., Feibicke, M., Sahm, R., Kusebauch, B., Hönemann, L., Mohr, S.: The auxin herbicide mecoprop-P in new light: Filling the data gap for dicotyledonous macrophytes. In: Environmental Pollution 272 (2021), 116405.
Ford, A. et al. (Sahm, R., Mohr, S.): The Role of Behavioral Toxicology in Environmental Protection. In: Environmental Science & Technology 55 (2021), 5620-5628.
Rothmeier, L.M., Sahm, R., Watermann, B., Grabow, K., Koester, M., Cichy, A., Martens, A.: The Ponto-Caspian parasite Plagioporus cf. skrjabini reaches the River Rhine system in Central Europe - higher infestation in the native than in the introduced Danubian form of the gastropod Theodoxus fluviatilis. In: Hydrobiologia 848 (2021), 2569-2578.
Rothmeier, L.M., Martens, A., Watermann, B., Grabow, K., Bartz, J., Sahm, R.: The Danubian cryptic invader Theodoxus fluviatilis (Gastropoda: Neritidae) in the River Rhine: a potential indicator for metal pollution? Ecotoxicology 31 (2022), 24-32, 10.1007/s10646-021-02485-4.
Carl, S., Mohr, S., Sahm, R., Baschien, C.: Laboratory conditions can change the complexity and composition of the natural aquatic mycobiome on Alnus glutionosa leaf litter. Fungal Ecology 57-68 (2022), 101142,
Heimann, W., Futterer, D., Schulz, H.K., Sahm, R., Koop, J.H.E., Schulz, R.: Electrofishing distances for sampling fish assemblages in oxbow lakes of the River Rhine. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29 (6) (2022), 851-857,
Herzog, S. P., Galloway, J., Banks, E. W., Posselt, M., Jaeger, A., Portmann, A., Sahm, R., Kusebauch, B., Lewandowski, J., Ward, A. S.: Combined surface-subsurface stream restoration structures can op-timize hyporheic attenuation of stream water contaminants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57 (2023), 4153-4166,
Mohr, S., Meinecke, S., Feibicke, M., Duquesne, S., Frische, T., Sahm, R.: Effects of a realistic pesticide spraying sequence for apple crop on stream communities in mesocosms: negligible or notable? Environmental Sciences Europe (2023), 35:35,
The artist Anne Rinn was inspired by the FSA and initiated the art project „Keep your boots muddy“, which comprised drawings on the wall, a documentary art film and space installations. The works were shown in the exhibition hall of the German Federal Environment Agency in Berlin (Bismarkplatz) from November 2010 to January 2011.