Micropollutant Assessment

There are defined criteria for the assessment of micropollutants. Micropollutant properties, monitoring data and the vote of a Committee for the identification of relevant micropollutants are published in brief dossiers.

Relevant Micropollutants

Which micropollutants are an environmental risk for water bodies and should therefore be scrutinised more closely? This is evaluated by the Committee for the identification of relevant micropollutants made up of experts from authorities, industry, academia, environmental and water associations. This page lists the micropollutants that have been evaluated as relevant. read more

Reference Values for Assessing Micropollutants in Water Bodies

On this page, you will find an overview of reference values for assessing the human toxicological and ecotoxicological risk of micropollutants in water bodies. Threshold or guideline values can be used as a reference value. Reference values for surface water, drinking water and groundwater are presented. read more

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The Umweltbundesamt

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