Whales and seals depend on their sense of hearing for survival. Man-made underwater sounds can impair their hearing in both the short and long term, displace them from vital habitats, cause a change in important patterns of behaviour and thereby deteriorate the survival capacity of these marine mammals. read more
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Airguns - an underestimated disruptive factor
The oceans surrounding Antarctica are among the few regions in the world where there is little underwater noise caused by human activities. An UBA study shows that the scientific use of airguns can emit noise in to this sanctuary at distances of 2000 kilometres which may reduce the naturally available communication range of blue and fin whales to as little as 1%. read more
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Whale monitoring in the Antarctic
The UBA assesses whether a planned project or journey to Antarctica poses a threat to animal species or their populations. However, the current state of knowledge about whales in Antarctica is limited. UBA is therefore providing funding for projects to close these knowledge gaps. read more
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Monitoring projects in the Antarctic
The Federal Environment Agency evaluates the potential environmental impact of human activities in the Antarctic. These activities include research projects, art projects, touristic sailing trips or journalists' travel. Environmental monitoring is a key tool for assessment of the possible effects of these various activities. read more