Tip-BoxTake advantage of your right to information under REACH! It sends a clear message that you do not want to buy products that contain Substances of Very High Concern. A request to the supplier can be sent quickly and easily by using the app Scan4Chem launched by the Federal Environment Agency. In addition to the right to information under REACH, quality labels that mark green and user-fr... read more
REACH for Consumers
Chemicals in articles: EU LIFE Project AskREACH
The AskREACH project aims at raising awareness on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in articles among the European population, retailers and industry. AskREACH developed the smartphone app Scan4Chem which can be used to readily receive information on SVHCs in consumer articles or send information requests to suppliers. The European Chemicals Regulation REACH provides the legal framework. read more
Assessing and regulating of chemical mixtures under REACH
Chemicals are often blended during processing and frequently released into the environment together with other chemicals. REACH so far only assesses individual chemicals and derives acceptable environmental concentrations. Joint exposures and joint effects may give rise to additional risks. It is therefore important to assess and regulate mixtures of chemicals. read more
Good to know about nanomaterials
The Federal Environment Agency supports an objective debate on the chances and risks which nanotechnology involves. It wants to help promote the opportunities nanotechnology offers for environment and health protection while at the same time evaluating and preventing its risks. read more
Advancing REACH
The following reports are the result of the project “Advancing REACH”, which is funded within the research plan of the BMU. The project analyses various aspects of the REACH Regulation and its implementation and develops possible improvements, including possible amendments to the text of the Regulation and its annexes. read more
News on Chemicals
REACH and sustainable chemistry
The European chemicals regulation REACH is intended to contribute to a more sustainable chemistry. A current UBA report provides a systematic analysis on the relations between main elements of REACH (e.g. Registration or Information in the supply chain) and main elements of sustainable chemistry (e.g. substitution of hazardous substances or corporate social responsibility of companies). read more
News on Waste | Resources
Research project on critical constituents in intermediates
A large amount of petroleum- and coal-based chemicals is used as intermediates. A research project recently launched by UBA is intended to clarify, whether intermediate product applications result in the transfer of constituents of concern in the value chain or their release into the environment. read more
News on Chemicals
Online survey: Chemicals in consumer goods
Certain chemical substances are harmful to man and the environment. As part of the “AskREACH” EU LIFE project, staff in companies which produce or sell consumer products are able to partake in an online survey on “Substances of Very High Concern” in manufactured products until 30 September 2018. The results will be incorporated in the development of a Europe wide database and app. read more