The impacts of climate change are already being felt in Germany today - and they will continue to intensify in the future. This has a significant impact on the health and prosperity of people in Germany. Timely and anticipatory adaptation to the consequences of climate change is therefore becoming increasingly important. read more
Climate | Energy
Climate Risk Analysis and Adaptation in Companies
Companies increasingly have to deal with climate risks and, if necessary, implement adaptation measures. To this end, there are clear requirements in the EU taxonomy, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and other frameworks that are mandatory for some companies to apply. read more
Climate | Energy
Climate risk analysis and adaptation in companies
A robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is the basis for systematic management of physical climate risks. To this end, the EU taxonomy sets out detailed requirements for companies. The German Environment Agency provides recommendations for carrying out a such climate risk and vulnerability assessment which is legally compliant. read more
News on Water
Germany hands over HELCOM chairmanship to Latvia
Latvia will assume the two-year rotational chairmanship of the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission (HELCOM) on 1 July 2022. Germany’s Chair focused on biodiversity and climate, sought solutions for unexploded ordnance and underwater noise and extended measures to combat pollution of the Baltic Sea through eutrophication, hazardous substances and marine litter. read more