

Permitting research projects on marine geoengineering

Since July 2019, the German Environment Agency has been the competent authority for permitting and monitoring scientific projects involving intended substance discharges into the oceans and attributed to marine geoengineering. The legal basis is the German “Hohe-See-Einbringungsgesetz” (§ 8 para. 3 HSEG). read more

News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

English-language Guide to the German Environmental Administration

Arial photo of a city with a river

The environmental administration in Germany is deeply rooted in the German tradition of federalism. Due to this specific tradition, German environmental administration might seem rather complex from an outside view. Therefore the German Environment Agency has developed a guide in English to provide a concise introduction to the German environmental administration for an international readership. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment