

Division IV

Dr. Erik Schmolz

Division IV is tasked with chemical safety. We endeavour to protect the public and the environment against hazardous chemicals, to which end we investigate and assess environmentally harmful substances and preparations. When potential hazards come to light, we devise risk reduction measures, which can involve banning the use and/or manufacture of a particular substance. read more


Chemicals in articles: EU LIFE Project AskREACH

Ein Barcode auf einem Produkt wir mit einem Smartphone gescannt

The AskREACH project aims at raising awareness on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs) in articles among the European population, retailers and industry. AskREACH developed the smartphone app Scan4Chem which can be used to readily receive information on SVHCs in consumer articles or send information requests to suppliers. The European Chemicals Regulation REACH provides the legal framework. read more


International Chemicals Management

International chemicals management aims to achieve the sustainable use of chemicals worldwide

When it comes to managing chemicals, the primary concern is to minimise negative environmental and health impacts and conserve resources while maximising the benefits of using chemicals for sustainable development. To achieve this goal, a wide range of stakeholders must work together internationally and make concerted use of effective tools for global chemicals management. read more


Reference and HBM Values

Urine and blood specimen in tubes on a questionaire for laboratory analysis

The reference value allows the comparison of the exposure of individuals or population groups with the background exposure. Since environmental conditions are changing reference values are checked continuously and are updated if new information becomes available.The reference value for a chemical substance in human biological material (e.g. blood, urine) is derived according to a defined statistic... read more


The Rotterdam Convention

a container-ship

The Rotterdam Convention regulates international trade with certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides. According to it, such substances may only be imported into a country if that country has been informed of the hazards in advance and has given its consent ("Prior Informed Consent"). Over 160 countries have ratified the Rotterdam Convention to date. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment