

Environmental pollution and diseases of the elderly

old woman

Not only children can react particularly sensitive but also the health of adults and particularly the elderly is determined by environmental influences. Therefore, it is important to consider all phases of life when looking at the effects of environmental influences. read more


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS)

„Multiple Chemical Sensitivity“ (MCS) is characterised by general symptoms such as fatigue, exhaustion, respiratory problems, symptoms of the gastrointestinal tract and further malfunctions of various organ systems. read more


Chemical research at UBA

A woman in the apron of the chemistry works in the laboratory. You are filled with liquid glass vessels

The UBA carries out research in its own laboratories on the effects of plant protection products, biocides, pharmaceutical drugs or industrial chemicals on the environment. Its research answers questions such as: How do these substances impact individual organisms in ecosystems? How are they distributed in soil, water and air? Is their effectiveness sufficient to control articulata and rodents? read more



A chemist shows a labelled flask in his hand; in the background other labelled flasks in an shelf.

Toxicology is the study of poisons and incidences of poisoning to which both artificial and natural substances can give rise in people. As a rule, a distinction is made between toxicology and eco-toxicology, the latter being defined as the effects of substances on organisms in populations and ecosystems. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment