This website provides basic data on the production of various products and how they are processed. Also has numerical information on costs and benefits of processes. read more
To protect bodies of water from detrimental changes to their characteristics caused by substances that are hazardous to water emanating from facilities it is required that substances and mixtures are classified for their water-hazardous properties. There are three water hazard classes (WGK). You can search for WGK of currently published WGK classifications in the public section of this webpage. read more
Runder Tisch Meeresmüll (Roundtable on Marine Litter)
The Roundtable coordinates Germany's activities to combat marine litter. It discusses proposals and develops concrete strategies for their implementation. The participants of the Roundtable on Marine Litter include some 130 experts from the fishing industry, shipping, the plastics industry, wastewater management, environmental associations, public authorities and government. read more
Semantic Network Service (SNS)
This is a dictionary service exploring unknown technical terms. Enter the word or related terms and get a definition and reference to related terminology. read more
Stars 4.2 - Database of substances in soil, water and air which are relevant to soil and environmental protection
This database contains information on chemical substances and compounds in condensed and searchable form, including physico-chemical and toxicity data as well as information on occupational safety measures, analysis methods and values laid down in the German Federal Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Ordinance (BBodSchV). read more
Strompreiskompensation (electricity price compensation)
State aid is available for electricity-intensive production processes to some sectors and subsectors of the economy. The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the German Environment Agency is the authority responsible for granting electricity price compensation. read more – Pollution in your area
The Internet portal has information about the volumes of pollutants that industrial facilities are emitting to the environment and how much waste they are disposing outside their facilities. read more
UFORDAT environmental research data base
The UFORDAT environmental research data base contains more than 200.000 descriptions of current or completed environmental research and development projects in the German-speaking region. Online database searches are free at any time. read more