The Advisory Council reviews and assesses developments in various fields of environmental protection. It may issue recommendations for policy decision-makers. The website goes into detail about the strategies and goals of sustainable environmental protection. Access provided to their environmental reports. read more
German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency
The German Emissions Trading Authority website explains the background to trading in pollutant emissions rights and obligations as well as the legislation, issues, and terminology associated with it. Information for installation operators and experts also available. read more
German Environmental Specimen Bank
The website of the German Environmental Specimen Bank provides information about the background and the objectives of sampling and investigation of environmental and human specimens. Results of the regular as well as retrospective analyses can be retrieved via an integrated data search. Recent results are presented in bulletins. read more
Guarantees of origin register (HKNR) for electricity from renewable energies
Welcome to the guarantees of origin register (HKNR) for electricity from renewable energies of the German Environment Agency. Pursuant to section 42 of the Energy Industry Act an electricity supply enterprise is only allowed to designate green electricity and in such quantity of electricity disclosure as to have cancelled guarantees of origin with the HKNR. read more
H2O-Wissen - Media database for teaching and educational materials about water protection
This is a database where teachers can retrieve in-depth teaching materials on various topics related to water. The focus is on water as a resource for mankind to protect and cherish, and on the protection of water bodies. read more
Information system on the state of the art in safety technology (infosis)
The information system infosis publishes timely information on notifiable and non-notifiable events in technical installations. In addition, it provides information on the state of safety technology for different types of installations. It thus makes a contribution to the prevention of major accidents and the further development of safety technology. read more
Kompetenzzentrum Nachhaltiger Konsum (National Competence Center for Sustainable Consumption)
The National Competence Center for Sustainable Consumption, established by the federal government at the German Environment Agency, coordinates the implementation of the National Programme for Sustainable Consumption and involves all federal government departments and corresponding subordinate agencies. read more
POP-Dioxins Database of the German Federation and Laender
This site provides detailed information on persistent organic pollutants (POP) and explains the scientific background and criteria for evaluation of these pollutants. Site also features reports on these toxins as they pertain to the environment and health as well as a database with the conclusive results of tests. read more