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Climate | Energy

Climate protection in Germany: 40% reduction of CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 1990

Recent forecasts indicate serious hazards for our economies, the stability of ecosystems and sustainable development. A global temperature rise of 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels appears to be the very most that can be tolerated. In order to achieve this 2°C target, the current industrial nations with their very large per-capita emission levels will even have to cut their greenhouse gas more

Climate Change
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Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Implementation of the European Water Framework Directive in Bulgaria

- Operational Manual -

After twenty years of preparative work the Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for the Community action in the field of water policy (the EU Water Framework Directive, WFD) finally entered into force as of 22.12.2000 when it was published in the Official more

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Climate | Energy

Development of an Ecological Strategy for Onshore and Offshore Wind Power Use

Summary: Results and Recommendations for Action

Germany is pursuing ambitious goals regarding the further development of wind energy use. The German Federal Government considers the expansion of renewable energy use as a central element of its climate conservation and energy policies. In the coalition agreement from 2005, the German Government decided to concentrate on the following topics regarding wind power: renewing old installations ( more

Climate Change
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Chemicals, Water

Effects of sampling and sample preparation on results during determination of selcted prioritary substances according to the Water Framework Directive

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) lays down new requirements for surface water monitoring, including 33 substances or groups of substances subject to a high ecotoxicological risk potential. Environmental discharges of these substances must be prevented and their concentration in the environment reduced as much as more

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Chemicals, Water

Emissions reduction for priority and priority hazardous substances of the Water Framework Directive

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) requires that surface waters in Europe must reach a good status by 2015. The prerequisite for this is achieving a good chemical status. In the general objective of the Directive it is stated that greater protection and improvement of the aquatic environment is targeted by implementing, among other things, specific measures to progressively reduce discharges, more

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Waste | Resources

Environmental data for Germany 2007

Practicing Sustainability - Protecting Natural Resources and the environment

2007 edition

This brochure provides figures and facts about the use of natural resources in Germany. Indicators and trends show the areas in which efficiency gains are emerging and those in which resource efficiency still needs to be more

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Economy | Consumption, Waste | Resources, Soil | Land

Rare metals

Measures and concepts for the solution of the problem of conflict-aggravating raw material extraction - the example of coltan

The scarcity of many raw materials holds significant conflict potentials as global demand increases rapidly. This does not only apply to fossil resources, focussed in the public debate, but also to many rare mineral resources. An important example is the ore coltan, from which tantalum is separated for the use as material or in the electronics industry. More specifically, tantalum is used in more

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Economy | Consumption, Health

Environmental and Health Provisions for Building Products -

Identification and evaluation of VOC emissions and odour exposure

The building product directive of the European Union defines the term ‘building product’ as “a commercial product that is manufactured with the purpose of remaining in the building over a long period of time”. Standard and certification authorities have the task of achieving a high level of health and environmental protection in technical specifications for building products based on the more

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