Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Transport
Natural Refrigerants for Mobile Air-Conditioning in Passenger Cars
A Contribution to Climate Protection
Today mobile air-conditioning systems in passenger cars contain a refrigerant paying a major contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect. For the time being, about 30% of the worldwide emissions of hydrofluorocarbons arise from mobile air-conditioning systems in passenger cars [UNEP 2009]. That is why in Europe this refrigerant – according to Directive 2006/40/EC – has to be substituted by more
Quantitative biokinetic analysis of radioactively labelled, inhaled Titanium dioxide Nanoparticles in a rat model
The aim of this project was the determination of the biokinetics of TiO2 nanoparticles (NP) in the whole body of healthy adult rats after NP administration to the respiratory tract – either via inhalation or instillation. Here we offered applying our previously developed methodology of quantitative biokinetics using radio-labelled NP. Quantitative biokinetics means that not only the NP absolute more
Calculation of Emissions into Rivers in Germany using the MONERIS Model
Nutrients, heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
This report illustrates the results of two research projects of the German Federal Environmental Agency that ran parallel: - FKZ 204 24 218: Model-based quantification and internet-based visualisation of emissions into Germany’s rivers („Prioritary substances“) - FKZ 205 24 204: Development of a management tool on emissions into surface waters within the framework of the international reporting more
Climate | Energy, Transport
A guide to reducing the impact of urban transport on the climate
There is no doubt that climate gas emissions must be drastically reduced and this applies to traffic in urban areas as well. The good news is that it could also provide an opportunity to enhance quality of life in towns and cities. The result could be a lively town, a pleasant atmosphere, fewer traffic jams, less noise and more space for cyclists and more
Chemicals, Health
Bisphenol A
An industrial chemical with adverse effects
Bisphenol A is found in many everyday products. The largest portion of manufactured bisphenol A is converted into stable plastics (polycarbonate and epoxy resins). Under certain conditions, the chemical can be released from consumer products – from can coatings, for instance – and enter the human body by way of food or through the skin, from thermal paper for example. In the human body the more
Climate | Energy
Copenhagen and beyond: reshuffling the cards
Discussion paper
Expectations set upon the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP 15) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Copenhagen were extremely high. This was because the COP 13 in Bali had set the COP 15 as the deadline for achieving a legally binding agreement to replace or extend the Kyoto Protocol. Additionally, the heads of states’ attendance as well as attention from more
Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption
Environmental and economic effects of the Copenhagen pledges and more ambitious emission reduction targets
Interim report
Global carbon dioxide emissions need to be reduced by at least 50 to 85 % in 2050 com-pared to 2000 levels to limit global surface temperature increase to 2°C compared to pre-industrial levels (IPCC 2007). As an intermediate greenhouse gas emission reduction target for industrialized countries in 2020 the IPCC (2007) confirmed a range of 25 % to 40 % com-pared to 1990, together with a more