International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
Germany has far exceeded its target set out by the Kyoto Protocol for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, the developments recorded over the past two years have given Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks cause for concern. Hendricks stated: "We must adopt more ambitious climate targets and reverse the negative trend of the last two years." read more
The product life cycle analysis for foods is in a class of its own: fully one-fifth of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany are traceable to the food sector. Nitrogen surpluses from agriculture contaminate groundwater, while eleven million tonnes of food are discarded and wasted every year. read more
The first phase of the Federal Ecodesign Award (Bundespreis Ecodesign) kicks off on 13 January 2014. The Federal Ministry of Environment (BMUB) and the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) are announcing the award for the third time with the slogan of “Grüne Innovation kommt weiter” (Green innovation makes headway). The award is given to products, services and concepts which are especially convincing... read more
Commercial ocean fertilization activities are now subject to an international ban, although certain research activities will be permitted. This was the decision taken by the Parties to the London Protocol on 18 October 2013 and which has now been publicised. The Conferences to the Party must now ensure prior to any ocean fertilization and other geo-engineering activities that research actually tak... read more
The projects planned by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) under the Environmental Research Plan 2014 (UFOPLAN 2014) of the Federal Ministry of Environment (BMU) have been announced online. read more
Some 70 hectares of land are rededicated in Germany every day as building land for settlements and roads. Although land consumption in Germany has declined steadily since 2000, the current level of decline is not sufficient to reach the national sustainability objectives. read more
The Blue Angel Award 2013 goes to the Heller-Leder GmbH & Co company in this 35th anniversary year of the ecolabel. Mr Jochen Flasbarth, President of the Federal Environment Agency, conferred the ward on the company at an awards ceremony during events held for the German Sustainability Award in Düsseldorf on 22 November. read more
The Federal Environment Agency has managed the Battery Act register for four years, now. 5,000 producers have registered, thousands of tonnes of metals are recovered through recycling every year. read more