International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
The air in Germany’s cities continued to have excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide pollution in 2016. This is according to an evaluation of preliminary measurements made by the federal states and the German Environment Agency. The threshold value of 40 micrograms per cubic metre on a yearly average was exceeded at about 57 per cent of all the measuring stations located near major thoroughfares. read more
Germany recorded total emissions of 901.9 million tonnes of CO2 equivalents for 2015, which is 2.3 million tonnes (0.3%) less than in 2014 and 27.9% less than in 1990. This data is based on calculations which the German Environment Agency (UBA) has reported to the European Commission. The greatest reductions were achieved in the energy industries (11.8 million tonnes). read more
Waste screening systems for marine litter, breathing building facades or bionic partition walls in airplanes: The German Federal Ecodesign Award is once again looking for daring pioneers of design and inventors of sustainable products for the award in 2017. The deadline for submission of entries to the competition is 10 April. read more
Environmentally harmful subsidies in Germany continue to be in effect at an excessively high level and now total 57 billion euros, says a recent report by the German Environment Agency (UBA). More than 90 percent of these subsidies are a burden on the climate – and are therefore thwarting Germany's implementation of the Paris Agreement. read more
Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks and President Maria Krautzberger of the German Environment Agency (UBA) honoured eight winning projects from the Federal Ecodesign Award 2016 contest today. Awards were given to sustainable and recyclable textiles, energy-saving solutions for mobility and buildings, a near zero-emissions wood heating system and a next-generation concept for the remova... read more
UBA's President Maria Krautzberger and actor Oliver Mommsen at SOS Children’s Village Berlin read more
The German Environment Agency (UBA) is appealing to the grocery trade to include deposit bottle alternatives in their beverage range in addition to non-returnables. read more
The goals of the Climate Action Plan can only be achieved through an energy transformation in the transport sector. Electromobility is the most economical of all greenhouse gas-neutral solutions. read more