International Spokesman: Joseph Nasr
Phone: +49-(0)340-2103-5485
E-mail: joseph [dot] nasr [at] uba [dot] de
Energy sector emissions lower, transport sector higher read more
The course of these streams is often straightened, changed and deepened to drain their floodplains and make them usable for agriculture. read more
Statistics for 2014 indicate roughly 6,000 premature deaths due to cardiovascular diseases which are linked to background concentrations of NO2 read more
Air quality in Germany has improved over the last year. Nevertheless, about 46 percent of the measuring stations located near traffic areas registered an exceedence of the annual average limit value. read more
Emissions from the transport sector higher than 1990 - coal phase-out more necessary than ever read more
EU to retrospectively assess medicines - Internet portal launched for veterinary medical products for farmers and veterinarians read more
The EU has identified the chemical Bisphenol A as a substance of very high concern due to its hormonal effects on animals in the environment. As of January 2018, Bisphenol A has been placed on what is known as the REACH candidate list, not only due to its harmful effects on people but also because of its environmental characteristics. read more
"Greenwashing" can often disguise the negative impact of products and services on the environment. But the German Federal Ecodesign Award is different. For the seventh year in a row and until 09 April 2018, companies from all industries and of all sizes as well as designers and students can now submit their ecologically designed products and services. read more